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2005 Paper 7
조회 109

Dae-Hwan Kang, Byung-ki Cheong, Jeung-hyun Jeong, Taek Sung Lee, In Ho Kim, Won Mok Kim, and Joo-Youl Huh, “Time-resolved analysis of the set process in an electrical phase-change memory device” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 87, 253504 (2005.12).

조회 125

Dong-Ho Ahn, Dae-Hwan Kang, Byung-ki Cheong, Hyuk-Soon Kwon, Min-Ho Kwon, Tae-Yeon Lee, Jeung-hyun Jeong, Taek Sung Lee, In Ho Kim, and Ki-Bum Kim “Nonvolatile memory based on reversible phase changes between fcc and hcp”, IEEE Elect. Dev. Lett. vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 286 – 288 (2005).

조회 99

Heon Lee, Young Keun Kim, Dongwhan Kim, and Dae-Hwan Kang “Switching behavior of indium selenide-based phase-change memory cell” IEEE Trans. on Mag. vol. 41(2), p. 1034 (2005).

조회 110

Heon Lee and Dae-Hwan Kang “Switching characterization and failure analysis of indium selenide (In2Se3) based phase change memory” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44 (7A) pp. 4759 – 4763 (2005).

조회 108

Heon Lee, Dae-Hwan Kang, and Lung Tran “Indium selenide (In2Se3) thin film for phase-change memory” Mat. Sci. and Eng. B, vol. 119 (2), p. 196 (2005).

조회 130

Bong-Sub Lee, John R. Abelson, Stephan G. Bishop, Dae-Hwan Kang, Byung-ki Cheong, and Ki-Bum Kim. “Investigation of the optical and electronic properties of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change material in its amorphous, cubic, and hexagonal phases” J. Appl. Phys. 97, 093509 (2005.4).

조회 92

H. Y. Lee, D. K. Lee, D. H. Kang, J. J. Lee, and J. H. Joo, “The effect of r.f. substrate bias on the properties of carbon nitride films produced by an inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition”, Surf. Coating and Technology, vol. 193, p. 152 (2005).


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